March 27, 2009

March 18, 2009

A TRENDY GAL - A Full Body Workout

Don't you know a full body workout is one of the best exercise regimes in the gym ?

Some of the benefits of a full body workout are increased energy outputs resulting in continued energy expenditure after training, overall muscular development, reduced risk of muscle imbalances and cardiovascular improvements.

Here are 10 basic tips for a full body workout :-

1) Stick to ONE exercise for each muscle group at a time. Do 10-15 repetitions per set and it is important to choose one exercise per muscle group in your training programme. There are seven major muscle groups to work on in one single fully body workout (Legs, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps & Core/Abs).

2) Start BIG! Start exercising your big muscle groups first and start with your legs. Exercising your bigger muscles requires more energy consumption. When you start exercising bigger muscles first, you can perform with bigger loads than other smaller muscle groups which fatigues you faster.

3) Do THREE sets of each exercise for each muscle group. The goal here is to maximise the intensity for each set of exercise.
4) Try to use more of the free weights, your own body weights or some cable machines such as Freemotion.

5) Do not perform the same routine two days in a row. You are working every muscle group in each workout and a full body workout can put additional stress on your body if you do not let your body rest for at least 2 days.

6) Go for compound movement or known as multi-joint exercises. A full body workout allows you to optimise your time in the gym, maximise the number of muscle fibers you recruit and to build core stability. Avoid isolation exercises and instead focus on compound, multi-joint movements — such as dumbbell chest presses, squats and lunges.

7) Choose the right weights. Use a weight that allows you to perform between 8-15 repetitions. This can be modified to target strength or endurance. However, during the initial stages of a full body workout (first 4-6 weeks), you might want to focus on building your strength first (8-10 reps per exercise).
8) Super set your exercises. For example, if you have just completed a set of dumb bell chest press, go immediately to perform a set of pull-ups for your back and then return to the bench for your next chest set. Super-setting with other exercises between sets or limiting your rest periods will keep your heart rate up - good for fat burning if your goal is to reduce your body fat percentage.
9) Minimise rest time between exercises. Ideally 60 seconds is the best. You need to keep your workout intensity high at all times.
10) Eat right. Full body workouts are intense and require extra energy to keep your workout fueled. Make sure to eat a balanced pre-workout meal with a balanced combination of protein and complex carbohydrates. For post work out, go for protein like whey protein and some simple carbohydrates to aid your recovery.
To find out more details, just approach any of our personal trainers in your club.
Written by Swee Tiong Young, Senior Fitness Manager, Fitness First Menara Manulife RB

March 11, 2009


Today is time to learn how to make up, please study below veido step by step and practice by yourself ~

March 3, 2009

Olive Oil, A Great Solution For Hair And Skin Care

Olive oil has been widely used in your salads as well as many other things. It is one of healthiest components to make your food taste better. This oil comes directly from the Mediterranean Region and it has become so famous that it has been used in all the continents.
It is a favorite among all the health conscious people. Due to the immense number of benefits, it has been ranked among the top nutrition provider. It has been widely used in soaps making it mild and very skin friendly. It also helps to moisturize your body by the use of this oil in the soap.

Home Made Recipes
* If you want to have smooth and fine nails olive oil is the best solution. Dowse your nails in a cup of olive oil for 30 minutes and find the best results.
* Apply Olive oil liberally on your hands. To avoid spreading it elsewhere wear cotton gloves. This method helps you to get a smoother and softer skin.
* Olive oil is the best solution for chapped lips. It does wonders to your lips.
* To have beautiful, lustrous, shiny, silky and dandruff free hair, olive oil is the best bet. You can apply good amount of oil on your hair and cover it with a shower cap for 30 minutes, later shampoo it.
* It is great moisturizing solution which makes your skin softer and smoother.
* To make yourself an interesting bathing solution you can add 3-4 tbsp of olive oil with a few drops of essential oil.
* You can make an excellent night cream by using 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup water. This helps to lighten your skin, kill bacteria and makes your skin smooth and clear. * It can work as a cleansing cream if you have dry skin. Apply olive oil and then scrub with good amount of sugar. Later, wipe the sugar off your face with wet and warm cloth. One of the easiest ways to get facial done.
* Soften your feet by applying olive oil on your feet.
* Mix in bowl 1 egg, 1 tsp honey, 1/2 tsp olive oil and few drops of rose water. Use this as a mask for dry skin. Once applied keep it for sometime, later rinse it off with warm water. Dab it dry.
* Make a paste by mixing some mashed apricots and warm olive oil. Apply this paste all over your face and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off with water.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.